FAQs for New Meridian Therapy and Counseling Services

What measures are you implementing due to COVID-19?
All therapists located within our office complex are adhering to the necessary or advised measures in line with established care guidelines to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission. If you prefer not to engage in face-to-face meetings, we are pleased to offer the option of conducting appointments via Zoom online or even arranging an outdoor meeting.

Getting started with NEW Meridian Counseling and Therapy:
Discovering the ideal match for counseling stands as a pivotal aspect of the therapeutic process. Reach out to us through a call or email, and we will engage in a conversation about which of our therapists aligns best with your requirements. See our therapists here. If, for any reason, none of us seem to be the right fit, we are more than willing to assist you in locating a counselor who can cater to your specific needs.

Is counseling necessary for me?
When we aim to make changes and enhancements in our lives, we often seek the expertise of professionals. Whether it's doctors, plumbers, or roofers, enlisting a professional's assistance generally leads to superior outcomes compared to our own efforts. You might be in a situation where therapy is beneficial, but that's not a certainty. We're here to engage in a conversation with you and assist you in determining whether therapy is appropriate for your needs. As counselors, some of us have personally experienced therapy as well. On certain occasions, it was undoubtedly essential, while other times it aided us in achieving greater fulfillment in our lives. Having an external guide can be valuable in certain instances.

Should you possess any inquiries, we'll furnish candid advice that we believe serves your best interests. If you opt to participate in counseling sessions with us, we'll periodically evaluate your progress to ensure that the therapy is proving effective for your well-being.

What to expect in therapy?
Our utmost priority is to provide assistance and encouragement throughout your journey. It's common for individuals to experience initial apprehension about starting therapy, but once they're seated in our welcoming environment, they tend to ease into the process and experience rapid progress. You can look forward to a secure and cozy space where you can openly discuss anything. We're committed to maintaining a non-judgmental and empathetic stance, ensuring your well-being is our top priority. While you possess the expertise in your own life, we specialize in aiding you in enhancing it further. We tailor your therapy to meet your present needs, and you'll likely observe substantial positive changes, especially if you actively engage in therapy and apply the insights gained beyond our counseling sessions.

What is the frequency of treatment sessions and what is the duration of each session?
The frequency and duration of your treatment sessions are influenced by the difficulties you're confronting and the extent of progress you wish to achieve. Our objective is to ensure your therapy remains concise and focused, aiding you in attaining your desired outcomes promptly.

Initially, we typically schedule weekly meetings. As advancements occur, we gradually extend the intervals between sessions. On average, clients often engage in around 5 to 6 sessions. A standard session duration is approximately 50 minutes, although we can adjust the duration to suit your needs if necessary.

How do I maximize the benefits of counseling and therapy?

Be present. Individuals who actively participate with an open and engaged mindset achieve the greatest advancements.

Engage in regular practice. The greater your commitment to applying the tools and strategies provided, the more substantial your progress will be.

Seizing Opportunities for Growth. Acknowledge instances when you're succeeding and offer yourself positive affirmations. Strengthen the positive aspects.

Establish achievable goals. As you attain these goals, gradually elevate their difficulty level.

Mindfulness and Breathing. This technique stands as one of the most effective resources at our disposal for managing our emotions and actions.

Share your newfound growth, healing, and knowledge with others. Achieving true mastery often occurs when you teach and disseminate what you've learned.

What should I be aware of regarding insurance and payments?

While we don't handle insurance payments directly, it's possible that your sessions could be covered under your plan. Our approach follows a "fee for service" model, meaning payment is required in full at the time of your session. If your insurance offers out-of-network coverage, our billing agent will submit your session details for potential reimbursement. If eligible, the reimbursement will be provided as a check in your name and sent directly to you. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about this process. Payments can be made using cash, check, or HSA cards at the time of your session.

What are the charges for NEW Meridian Counseling and Therapy
Counseling fees can differ depending on the types of therapy and insurance coverage, so it's recommended that you inquire with your therapist before your session to discuss insurance coverage and charges. Typically, the therapy fees are categorized as follows:

Individual Counseling, Child Therapy, Relationship Counseling, and Family Therapy: $175-250 for a 50-minute session. Most of these fees may be covered by your insurance company. We suggest contacting your insurance company to determine your coverage and costs.

A fee of $100 is applied directly to the individual in case of missed sessions or cancellations made less than 24 hours before the scheduled appointment.