Our Counseling Services
If two people find themselves struggling to build or maintain the levels of communication, respect, and love that make up a healthy romantic relationship, seeking therapy together can be productive.
Once a couple is married, they may find that their relationship is changing under this new structure. Working with a Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) can help you work together to define roles and responsibilities while preserving the connection that brought you together in the first place.
This is one of the more formal types of therapy we practice, with quite a high success rate. EMDR is a structured therapy that relies on eye movement as a way to reduce stress in traumatic memory processing. It helps people feel safe in the present while recognizing significant events in the past. It can also be helpful in confronting depression, anxiety, addiction, and more.
This is one area where Meridian Counseling is unique. We do help clients with trauma processing, but we tend to approach it from a perspective of compassion instead of empathy. In our experience, long periods of empathy in therapy tend to result in a person getting stuck in the past with events that can no longer hurt them. With compassion, we acknowledge the significance of what you've experienced while spending more time discussing present realities and the potential for a bright future.
We consider therapy for children and their families to be a core aspect of our practice. For children and teens with anxiety, depression, excess anger, or feeling out of place at home, counseling can be a validating and helpful connection.
If you're looking for a solution to a problem, anger is almost never it. Anger is more of a barrier than a tool. Through anger management counseling, you can redirect your frustration into pathways that lead to a more successful life and more loving, stable relationships.
If you're experiencing any symptoms of depression–from not enjoying your favorite activities to feeling irritable to feeling physical symptoms like a change in sleep patterns or headaches or fatigue–you may benefit from therapy for depression.
If you're feeling overcome with stress and worry, you certainly are not alone. Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder in the US, but it can also cause people to feel isolated and defeated. Anxiety is treatable and we would love to help you find greater peace and calm in your life.